
位痴迷中国艺术的法国学者,因爱妻突然离世悲痛欲绝,于是接受一位神秘的中国收藏家邀请来到北京,结识了当今中国*具收藏价值之一的画家刘丹。与刘丹及收藏家从事奇石拍卖与收藏的女儿周游上海、巴黎、罗马等城市,以了解中国艺术品的状况和价值,遍访了中国画家、书法家、奇石收藏家…… 这是法国作家笔下的一部中国艺术史,也是展示中国古典文化的一块“奇石”。

Electric Nights in Beijing

Electric Nights in Beijing is set in the backdrop of the student protests at Tiananmen Square. It is the story of a young rockstar, Feng Lei, who grows up in the West and comes back to China to meet his father, one of student protesters incarcerated in the aftermath of 1989. It is a shifting fresco of density and depth and a portrait of Beijing, the mysterious forbidden city, in the first decade of the 21st century.